多纳吉甚至斗不是执法裁判,他只是作为替补裁判出席了会议。"NBA Executive Y told Referee Supervisor Z that the referees for that game were to enforce the screening rules strictly against that Team 4 player. Referee Supervisor Z informed the referees about his instructions. As an alternate referee for that game, Tim also received these instructions."在这基础上姚明之后被吹了几个移动挡拆?全国那么多麦蜜真的有很夸张的判罚早gif满天飞了
多纳吉甚至斗不是执法裁判,他只是作为替补裁判出席了会议。"NBA Executive Y told Referee Supervisor Z that the referees for that game were to enforce the screening rules strictly against that Team 4 player. Referee Supervisor Z informed the referees about his instructions. As an alternate referee for that game, Tim also received these instructions."在这基础上姚明之后被吹了几个移动挡拆?全国那么多麦蜜真的有很夸张的判罚早gif满天飞了