萨尔茨堡红牛,红牛集团是它的赞助商。当年裁定说的是无法证明红牛集团对萨尔茨堡红牛有决策影响(Having determined that Red does not have decisive influence over the relevant decision making of FCS, the CFCB Adjudicatory Chamber considers there is no need to consider RBL's relationship with Red Bull.)
萨尔茨堡红牛,红牛集团是它的赞助商。当年裁定说的是无法证明红牛集团对萨尔茨堡红牛有决策影响(Having determined that Red does not have decisive influence over the relevant decision making of FCS, the CFCB Adjudicatory Chamber considers there is no need to consider RBL's relationship with Red Bull.)