谈论到恩比德是否有“不夺冠就完蛋”(Title or bust)的心态时 恩比德回答道 "Not necessarily. I don't care about the pressure that everybody puts on me. All I care about is the pressure that I put on myself to win. People have been talking about who has the most pressure to win. People want to mention me. I'm not at the top of that list. I'm not a two-time MVP, I've never made first team All-NBA, I've never won anything. So why is there pressure on me to do something when there are guys that have won two MVPs, a bunch of MVPs and haven't done anything either?”
彼时的彼得 还未斩获MVP 他向世人传递的是 他渴望胜利 他渴望用一切努力去获得胜利 这是他的压力来源 而不是夺冠 夺冠固然是第一要务 但首先是脚踏实地的 而不是“不夺冠就完蛋” 他所谓“有人拿了两个MVP却一事无成”的言论 更多想表达的是对唯结果论和急功近利者的反驳 我们作为球迷 虽然竞技体育是成绩说话 没人会记得亚军或第二名 但并不能说没有夺冠的便是失败者 毕竟总冠军只有一个 抱有Title or bust心态的球队或球迷 显然是不可取的 甚至是可悲的 这个向总冠军不断攀升的过程比title更加灿烂 更加令人着迷、值得书写的故事
Mediocrity was never going to be embraced by organizations around the league, but it's a little stunning to see that being just short of great is looked on with such derision.
Not every play needs to be a referendum on their ability to win a title. The chemistry of how each team in the NBA functions together and around each other will always be fascinating.
The Process might not ever be popular, but we can absolutely take the time to re-embrace the process. It'll keep us all a bit more sane.
这也是费城最吸引我的地方 相信过程 很高兴很幸运我们等来了自己的the Process 期待那一抹红蓝之上 会再次升起一面总冠军旗帜
谈论到恩比德是否有“不夺冠就完蛋”(Title or bust)的心态时 恩比德回答道 "Not necessarily. I don't care about the pressure that everybody puts on me. All I care about is the pressure that I put on myself to win. People have been talking about who has the most pressure to win. People want to mention me. I'm not at the top of that list. I'm not a two-time MVP, I've never made first team All-NBA, I've never won anything. So why is there pressure on me to do something when there are guys that have won two MVPs, a bunch of MVPs and haven't done anything either?”
彼时的彼得 还未斩获MVP 他向世人传递的是 他渴望胜利 他渴望用一切努力去获得胜利 这是他的压力来源 而不是夺冠 夺冠固然是第一要务 但首先是脚踏实地的 而不是“不夺冠就完蛋” 他所谓“有人拿了两个MVP却一事无成”的言论 更多想表达的是对唯结果论和急功近利者的反驳 我们作为球迷 虽然竞技体育是成绩说话 没人会记得亚军或第二名 但并不能说没有夺冠的便是失败者 毕竟总冠军只有一个 抱有Title or bust心态的球队或球迷 显然是不可取的 甚至是可悲的 这个向总冠军不断攀升的过程比title更加灿烂 更加令人着迷、值得书写的故事
Mediocrity was never going to be embraced by organizations around the league, but it's a little stunning to see that being just short of great is looked on with such derision.
Not every play needs to be a referendum on their ability to win a title. The chemistry of how each team in the NBA functions together and around each other will always be fascinating.
The Process might not ever be popular, but we can absolutely take the time to re-embrace the process. It'll keep us all a bit more sane.
这也是费城最吸引我的地方 相信过程 很高兴很幸运我们等来了自己的the Process 期待那一抹红蓝之上 会再次升起一面总冠军旗帜