虎扑12月09日讯 据名记Shams报道,英格拉姆因左脚踝扭伤将无限期缺阵。
昨日对阵雷霆的比赛中,第三节一回合,英格拉姆在试图投篮时踩到了雷霆球员多尔特的脚,导致脚踝扭伤提前退出比赛。在投篮时,英格拉姆的手肘碰到了多尔特的脸,他因此被判进攻犯规。(Ingram rolled his ankle when he landed on the foot of Oklahoma City's Lu Dort after attempting a jump shot. Ingram, whose elbow struck Dort in the face as he was going up for the shot, was whistled for an offensive foul.)
虎扑12月09日讯 据名记Shams报道,英格拉姆因左脚踝扭伤将无限期缺阵。
昨日对阵雷霆的比赛中,第三节一回合,英格拉姆在试图投篮时踩到了雷霆球员多尔特的脚,导致脚踝扭伤提前退出比赛。在投篮时,英格拉姆的手肘碰到了多尔特的脸,他因此被判进攻犯规。(Ingram rolled his ankle when he landed on the foot of Oklahoma City's Lu Dort after attempting a jump shot. Ingram, whose elbow struck Dort in the face as he was going up for the shot, was whistled for an offensive foul.)