Josh Giddey said the ankle injury he suffered on his last play at Paris Olympics was more serious than first realized and that he has been sidelined since but is on the doorstep of returning. Said plan is to be conservative with time on their side but he's close to playing.————————约什-吉迪说,他在巴黎奥运会最后一场比赛中脚踝受伤的情况比他最初意识到的要严重得多,从那时起他就一直处于休战状态,但他即将复出。吉迪表示,他们的计划是在时间允许的情况下保守行事,但他已经接近上场比赛了
Josh Giddey said the ankle injury he suffered on his last play at Paris Olympics was more serious than first realized and that he has been sidelined since but is on the doorstep of returning. Said plan is to be conservative with time on their side but he's close to playing.
Zach LaVine with an eloquent opening statement. Said he's in a great situation and fully healthy and happy to be with Bulls. Said anything negative about him and organization is in past and focused on this team and camp and having a good time and positive energy.
Zach LaVine with an eloquent opening statement. Said he's in a great situation and fully healthy and happy to be with Bulls. Said anything negative about him and organization is in past and focused on this team and camp and having a good time and positive energy.
Zach LaVine with an eloquent opening statement. Said he's in a great situation and fully healthy and happy to be with Bulls. Said anything negative about him and organization is in past and focused on this team and camp and having a good time and positive energy.————————扎克-拉文的开场白掷地有声。他说自己现在的情况很好,身体完全健康,很高兴能和公牛队在一起。他说任何关于他和组织的负面消息都已成为过去,他只专注于这支球队和训练营,享受美好时光和正能量。
Zach LaVine with an eloquent opening statement. Said he's in a great situation and fully healthy and happy to be with Bulls. Said anything negative about him and organization is in past and focused on this team and camp and having a good time and positive energy.
扎克谈缺阵后复出比赛的心态:"我是说,每个人使用燃料和动力的方式都不一样。我的肩膀上总是有一块筹码。我从 12 岁开始就这样打球。
扎克谈缺阵后复出比赛的心态:"我是说,每个人使用燃料和动力的方式都不一样。我的肩膀上总是有一块筹码。我从 12 岁开始就这样打球。
Coby White on Josh Giddey: He's obviously a really big guard, can really pass with a high IQ and edge to him. He's super competitive and wants to win.
Coby White on Josh Giddey: He's obviously a really big guard, can really pass with a high IQ and edge to him. He's super competitive and wants to win.
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