虎扑12月29日讯 吉林男篮外援多米尼克-琼斯更新个人社媒,自宣因腿筋伤势加重将缺阵接下来一段时间的比赛。
It's saddens me to announced that I will miss some future games. I suffered from a hamstring injury a few weeks ago then I injured it again even more severe so now I will take some time to heal and rehabilitate so I can come back stronger. I can't continue to put myself at risk for greater injury. I understand injuries are apart of this profession. I understand the importance of being healthy so I can give my team the best version of myself so I will work hard to heal and recover from this as soon as possible so I can return to the court and fight with my brothers! Thank you to the club, the fans and everyone who supports me through this difficult time 🙏🏾
虎扑12月29日讯 吉林男篮外援多米尼克-琼斯更新个人社媒,自宣因腿筋伤势加重将缺阵接下来一段时间的比赛。
It's saddens me to announced that I will miss some future games. I suffered from a hamstring injury a few weeks ago then I injured it again even more severe so now I will take some time to heal and rehabilitate so I can come back stronger. I can't continue to put myself at risk for greater injury. I understand injuries are apart of this profession. I understand the importance of being healthy so I can give my team the best version of myself so I will work hard to heal and recover from this as soon as possible so I can return to the court and fight with my brothers! Thank you to the club, the fans and everyone who supports me through this difficult time 🙏🏾