全文背诵:so sad more than anything, frustrated, but I'm proud, I'm proud of the way that we performed all year, I'm proud of my guys, I'm proud of the effort that we gave. we did a good job, we did a very good job. we should proud of ourselves for that. but at the same time understanding that , you know, second place just means you are the first loser. so it's kind of understanding that mentality and coming back next year, ready to work at it. but shoul hold heads up high, we did pretty well.而不是什么“批评声并没有困扰我,我还是过我荣华富贵的生活,和家人幸福美满开心,做任何做的事情。而黑子明天起床还是要面对跟今天一样的苦逼生活。高下立判。