春秋筆法我笑了,你看清楚這帖子說的是什麼「林书豪后来狡辩是教练不让他犯规!!!」你說的是什麼「他后来狡辩是教练不让他犯规 我记得好像还是用中文说的」這裡scott說的不是叫他不要犯規?哪狡辩在哪裡???而且說到春秋筆法還得服你,我給你逐字打出來他說的話︰Yeah I told him to wait, till they get passed half-court. you know, and then we want to foul it by the 10 second mark. so, he was trying to listen to me while I tried to talk to him and then you know kobe ran up and made the foul, and then I told Kobe that was mine judgement, just to hold off for a minute哪裡有你說的意思?