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我是三三炮(14级)楼主2019-05-18 01:29:52
[翻译团]2018-19赛季英超回顾:我们从战术上学习到了什么?我是三三炮 发表在翻译团 https://bbs.hupu.com/fyt-soccer


1、Between 2003-04 and 2005-06, when it first began collecting the data, Opta recorded three instances of Premier League games in which one team had 70% or more of the ball. Two seasons ago there were 36. Last season there were 63. This season there were 67.原译【在2003/04赛季和2005/06赛季间,Opta记录了三场英超比赛,其中一支球队拥有70%或更多的球权。两个赛季前,这个数字是36%,上赛季是63%。这个赛季则是67%。】最后三个数字不是百分比,时间表述有的也不准确。

2、It is why a European Super League ...is not merely likely but, if not desirable exactly, then for many European leagues perhaps the least bad viable option。原译【欧冠(或者欧洲足球俱乐部协会提出的任何混蛋比赛形式),不仅是可行的,虽说不是很理想,但也许不是最坏的选择】,不是“欧冠”,“不仅……虽……但”使用混乱。

3、The encroachment of greed is like the march of the dead beyond the wall, a profound existential threat beside which lesser squabbles appear trivial.原译【贪婪的侵蚀如同墙外匍匐前行的亡灵一般,与生存大计相比,细小的争吵显得微不足道。】这句猜测是权游梗,“贪婪的侵蚀”和“匍匐前行的亡灵”结构上没法对应。



6、图注Spurs are among the English clubs who play press-and-possess football at a higher tempo than their equivalents abroad,原译【热刺是英超球队中压迫控球节奏比国外同级别球队快的球队之一】,漏译“and”,“国外同级别球队”读来别扭。

7、Both will think there could be significant improvement next season if they can just suss out how to do what historically has been the easy bit.原译【他们都认为如果他们能够改善对弱队的成绩,那么下个赛季可能会更进一步。】主语似乎不是“他们(狼和水晶宫)”
1、Between 2003-04 and 2005-06, when it first began collecting the data, Opta recorded three instances of Premier League games in which one team had 70% or more of the ball. Two seasons ago there were 36. Last season there were 63. This season there were 67.原译【在2003/04赛季和2005/06赛季间,Opta记录了三场英超比赛,其中一支球队拥有70%或更多的球权。两个赛季前,这个数字是36%,上赛季是63%。这个赛季则是67%。】最后三个数字不是百分比,时间表述有的也不准确。

2、It is why a European Super League ...is not merely likely but, if not desirable exactly, then for many European leagues perhaps the least bad viable option。原译【欧冠(或者欧洲足球俱乐部协会提出的任何混蛋比赛形式),不仅是可行的,虽说不是很理想,但也许不是最坏的选择】,不是“欧冠”,“不仅……虽……但”使用混乱。

3、The encroachment of greed is like the march of the dead beyond the wall, a profound existential threat beside which lesser squabbles appear trivial.原译【贪婪的侵蚀如同墙外匍匐前行的亡灵一般,与生存大计相比,细小的争吵显得微不足道。】这句猜测是权游梗,“贪婪的侵蚀”和“匍匐前行的亡灵”结构上没法对应。



6、图注Spurs are among the English clubs who play press-and-possess football at a higher tempo than their equivalents abroad,原译【热刺是英超球队中压迫控球节奏比国外同级别球队快的球队之一】,漏译“and”,“国外同级别球队”读来别扭。

7、Both will think there could be significant improvement next season if they can just suss out how to do what historically has been the easy bit.原译【他们都认为如果他们能够改善对弱队的成绩,那么下个赛季可能会更进一步。】主语似乎不是“他们(狼和水晶宫)”
引用 @GIJoe 发表的:
这篇不通顺和病句问题较多。 1、Between 2003-04 and 2005-06, when it first began collecting the data, Opta recorded three instances of Premier League games in which one team had 70% or more of the ball. Two seasons ago there were 36. Last season there were 63. This season there were 67.原译【在2003/04赛季和2005/06赛季间,Opta记录了三场英超比赛,其中一支球队拥有70%或更多的球权。两个赛季前,这个数字是36%,上赛季是63%。这个赛季则是67%。】最后三个数字不是百分比,时间表述有的也不准确。 2、It is why a European Super League ...is not merely likely but, if not desirable exactly, then for many European leagues perhaps the least bad viable option。原译【欧冠(或者欧洲足球俱乐部协会提出的任何混蛋比赛形式),不仅是可行的,虽说不是很理想,但也许不是最坏的选择】,不是“欧冠”,“不仅……虽……但”使用混乱。 3、The encroachment of greed is like the march of the dead beyond the wall, a profound existential threat beside which lesser squabbles appear trivial.原译【贪婪的侵蚀如同墙外匍匐前行的亡灵一般,与生存大计相比,细小的争吵显得微不足道。】这句猜测是权游梗,“贪婪的侵蚀”和“匍匐前行的亡灵”结构上没法对应。 4、病句。原译【当利物浦在赛季的大部分时间也减轻了他们“残暴”的进攻态势(详见),曼城也踢的更加平衡了(详见),但对于豪门球队来说,压迫与控球战术仍然是他们的主要踢球模式。】,而且都是原文的话不用加“详见”了。 5、病句、标点符号用法错误。原译【萨里的那不勒斯吸引人的快节奏足球,但是切尔西本赛季的大部分比赛,除了阿扎尔,都老套乏味】 6、图注Spurs are among the English clubs who play press-and-possess football at a higher tempo than their equivalents abroad,原译【热刺是英超球队中压迫控球节奏比国外同级别球队快的球队之一】,漏译“and”,“国外同级别球队”读来别扭。 7、Both will think there could be significant improvement next season if they can just suss out how to do what historically has been the easy bit.原译【他们都认为如果他们能够改善对弱队的成绩,那么下个赛季可能会更进一步。】主语似乎不是“他们(狼和水晶宫)”
1、Between 2003-04 and 2005-06, when it first began collecting the data, Opta recorded three instances of Premier League games in which one team had 70% or more of the ball. Two seasons ago there were 36. Last season there were 63. This season there were 67.原译【在2003/04赛季和2005/06赛季间,Opta记录了三场英超比赛,其中一支球队拥有70%或更多的球权。两个赛季前,这个数字是36%,上赛季是63%。这个赛季则是67%。】最后三个数字不是百分比,时间表述有的也不准确。

2、It is why a European Super League ...is not merely likely but, if not desirable exactly, then for many European leagues perhaps the least bad viable option。原译【欧冠(或者欧洲足球俱乐部协会提出的任何混蛋比赛形式),不仅是可行的,虽说不是很理想,但也许不是最坏的选择】,不是“欧冠”,“不仅……虽……但”使用混乱。

3、The encroachment of greed is like the march of the dead beyond the wall, a profound existential threat beside which lesser squabbles appear trivial.原译【贪婪的侵蚀如同墙外匍匐前行的亡灵一般,与生存大计相比,细小的争吵显得微不足道。】这句猜测是权游梗,“贪婪的侵蚀”和“匍匐前行的亡灵”结构上没法对应。



6、图注Spurs are among the English clubs who play press-and-possess football at a higher tempo than their equivalents abroad,原译【热刺是英超球队中压迫控球节奏比国外同级别球队快的球队之一】,漏译“and”,“国外同级别球队”读来别扭。

7、Both will think there could be significant improvement next season if they can just suss out how to do what historically has been the easy bit.原译【他们都认为如果他们能够改善对弱队的成绩,那么下个赛季可能会更进一步。】主语似乎不是“他们(狼和水晶宫)”
感谢 第1个我想了半天,原来后面3个是场次

感谢 第1个我想了半天,原来后面3个是场次
